DANDELION Dandelions are often a symbol of change and new beginnings. Its flowering cycle – from yellow flower (Sun), through fluffy seeds (Moon) to scattered seeds (Stars) - symbolizes the cycle of life and opportunities. It has culinary and medicinal uses (salads, tea, honey and syrups). great ecological importance: - Dandelion is an important source of food for bees and other pollinators, especially in early spring when there are few other flowers. - Its root helps in breaking up hard soil layers and contributes to its enrichment.
Do = Dominus (God/Bog) Re = Rerum (Matter/Materija) Mi = Miraculum (Miracle/Čudo) Fa = Familias Planetarium (Solar System/Solarni sistem) Sol = Solis (Sun/Sunce) La = Lactea (Milky Way/Mlečni put) Si = Siderae (Zvezde)