New textbook entitled: "Viktor E. Frankl's Logotherapy and Existential Analysis: Theory and Practice" by Maria Marshall and Edward Marshall is now available through Amazon: This textbook is intended for students and practitioners who wish to learn about the theory and practice of Viktor Frankl’s Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (LTEA) as a form of psychotherapy and the foundation of meaning-centered interventions. I was happy to give permission for my article (Logotherapy and Music) to be reprinted in this book! Ottawa Institute of Logotherapy #logotherapy #drviktorfrankl
Do = Dominus (God/Bog) Re = Rerum (Matter/Materija) Mi = Miraculum (Miracle/Čudo) Fa = Familias Planetarium (Solar System/Solarni sistem) Sol = Solis (Sun/Sunce) La = Lactea (Milky Way/Mlečni put) Si = Siderae (Zvezde)